Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I have been interested in drawing and painting since I was very young. I was fortunate to have parents who encouraged and supported me. Much of what I know has been self taught. I work in oils, acrylics and watercolours. I continue to be in awe of the beauty around us. I’d like to capture the essence of that beauty in my work - the texture of a tree, the multi coloured fall leaf, the bends and folds in a flower petal, a crashing wave, the sunlight captured in a folded leaf.
Since learning about and using the texture mediums available in acrylics, I have found another passion - creating works of art that one must touch because of the stimulating texture in them.
Working collaboratively with many varieties of artistic expression has added a wonderful dimension to my art. We can always learn new and challenging techniques and styles and combine talents to achieve captivating results. I hope to continue to learn, to work with other artists and to try new and different techniques. As long as we think and create, there will always be new and interesting things to learn and do.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Work - Feathery Cosmos

Here is a photo of my latest work...finished just this afternoon. It is a tryptic of my favourite flowers: cosmos. And it is already sold and should be going to it's new home tomorrow.

Classes at Studio 1

We have great classes several times a week. The ideas flow and are compounded when ideas are shared.